Friday 14 January 2011

End of an era...

Woke up this morning with a huge hangover; result of fosters, bishops finger, tequila and jager bombs (though starting to drink from 12 was not my finest decision). Just wanted to say a massive thank you to the ECGD gang for coming out last night. It was fantastic to see so many faces and it meant a lot to me. There is a theory that:

If at a party you don't know who the most drunk person is; the chance is it is you.

I am sure that applied to me last night. Luckily Sam was with me last night to shepherd me on to the train, force feed me a Cornish pasty and water, and then beat me off the train when I would not wake up. Got to do it all again tonight for Sam's leaving do... shame!

The dollars you gave me are stored safely with all the other pieces of currencies we have from friends (including the 300,000 Vietnamese Dong). The pictures have found there way on to my bedroom shelf so I no longer wake up next to Matt Vale's victorious grin; every time I look at them they make me smile and remind of the great 18 (32) months I had at ECGD.

Anyway, only 4 hours more work for you guys.

Love P


holly said...

hi how are you good luck

hol said...


julie moore said...

not long to go now. :)

hol said...

missing you guys loads

bobbie said...

i myhg miss ygfujk, ughi you guys

jhjhyi gftddes