Saturday 5 March 2011

Australia (1) - Sydney & Wollongong - Opera House, Bats and Old Friends

We have finally arrived in Australia and spent a few days in Sydney. Our flight to Sydney from Queenstown was diverted via Christchurch for refuelling so we got in 2 hours late. We booked a hostel called Maze in Sydney, worse hostel ever! I would expect the poor quality in Asia, not Oz. The next day we walked through Sydney and saw the Harbour Bridge, Opera House, Darling Harbour, Town Hall and Botanical Gardens. The Botanical Gardens are beautiful; we walked through here in the evening and surprised to see so many flying foxes. There must have been thousands of them flying around, well weird.
The next day we went to Wollongong to see Kat. The area is beautiful as the photos show. We went in the sea, the waves threw us a round. I got dunked on my head twice, probably did me some good. We move on on Monday.


Mummy Moore said...

At last! Nice photos, what is a flying fox when it's around?!! Where do you move on to on Monday? Bit more information needed please. Anyone would think you were on holiday!!!

Mum scales said...

Yeah we want no slacking on the information side at all!!! Holiday this is not a life tour yes. Great to hear from you again, keep safe and can you send some of that dry warm weather half way around the world to blighty please
love and kissesxx the oldies

holly said...

Why couln't u of taken me with u. it's not far. But i'm a bit dissaponted with the writing it dosent tell me much. And what in the name is a flying fox? What and were r u going on monday? lots of love, all missing u lots and lots of jelly tots xxxxxxxxxx

Sam said...

Well well well guys. Sorry about the slack information i will have a word.
Flying Foxes are bats! I have never seen so may bats and they were not small!
On Monday we are going to pauls mate Phil who lives between Wollongong and Sydney and then on Tuesday going to Coff Harbour. For route of where we are going go to:

We are doing the Cairns <> Sydney pass but from sydney but not stopping off everywhre. When we have time we will put our itinery up.

Love and miss you all Sam xxxxxxxxx

Paul S said...

Question is do you need to know anything?

The blog tells all!

Mummy Moore said...

Sorry Paul, we just love to hear what you've been doing and whilst a week is probably flying by for you, life back in blighty carries on as usual and our days are brightened so much more when we have an update of your adventures!
Lots of love xxx

Daddy Moore said...

"Yeah sort it out Paul" lol